Showing posts with label affiliate programs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affiliate programs. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Top Ways to Make Money blogging in 2016

make money from blogging

Want to earn money blogging?

Blogging monetization and optimization has been a hot topic for a few years now, but with the constantly changing nature of the web, new ways for the achievement of this objective more likely to pop up every day. To make things a bit easier (and much more effective), I collected the ultimate monetization tools for 2016 - so you do not get surprised!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

7 Not-Very-mysterious ways online entrepreneurs earn money

 ways online entrepreneurs earn money

today there are all these speeches about building online companies, but for the most part of the experts to forget that the most important details! This makes the most of the nebulous concepts at best.

When all is said and done, most of the Beginners have the same basic question: "How can I actually earn money?"

How is it possible to do/change something in the "imaginary" area on the Internet and is transformed into real money, buy things like food?

Today, I will have one minute to break up the exact position that you need to maintain, before you start an Online Business - then I will show you the easy ways that most online entrepreneurs use to generate revenue.

First check your attitude. One of the biggest problems that beginners, when you try to money online is….you are trying to make money online.

Believe me, I have it.

Here lies the problem: The Internet is not a faceless, amorphous structures that you extract only if revenue from it with a pickax often enough.

This is not the Colorado Gold Rush, homie.

The Internet is not from code, or even the computer, create the code.

The Internet consists of (wait…)


It is from them.

You read the now.

So if you want to make money on the Internet, remember that it is not actually on the Internet to make money.

It is the people read your work, listen to her voice, or watch your show. Whatever platform you choose, the Internet is simply the way you communicate with people.

The most common question I get is: "How can I earn money with this blog/podcast/YouTube channel."

This is not the right question. The correct question is, "How can I grow an audience of people who love my work, who was finally buy something from me?"

What does this mean?

The Internet is nothing special. You can earn money to have exactly the same possibilities online, you can offline. The main advantage of the Web is simply tape. For example, every time I post something on rich2 0What is like speaking to a packed auditorium of 80,000 people. Just like in real life, some people are super committed and some are not. Some people sleep on the back. But it is the scalability, an internet platform particularly powerful. There is nothing intrinsic special on the Internet.

Your primary focus should be on building an audience first really help you, then later earn money. Without that nothing questions.

", how do you make money online?"

When you are an audience on any platform (blog, podcast, video, etc), you can select items you want or you things that you have for a long time people. Here are the seven of the best methods to make money online.

1. The information products to help people build a skill.

Perhaps you are an organic cooking, helps people healthy cooking at a lower cost. You could use a recipe ebook, or even a video course on the preparation of healthy meals? If yes, your audience could buy it.

For example, I have a digital course, helping people to start and grow a profitable business freelance skills you already have.

I just filled demand. The response was overwhelming.

2. Sell products that solve a problem or are simply fun.

Why not a ecommerce store or learn how to drop-ship something? There are a lot of holes in the market waiting to be filled. Neville has a great breakdown of how a drop shipping business. Or you could always make a product that you know your audience must be as Maneesh Pavlok.

3. Create events or experiences.

Why not a gathering of people and an activity? The seminar model has for years been in the personal development of the world, but this is not the only option for monetizing experiences. And I often find that these kinds of products really make you feel the best, both to buy and sell.

For example, my friends Matt and Jared took their blog at3 0CEO and swivel the business model to build a travel company named below3 0experience where you young people to "Adult spring break" from all over the world. Really Cool Stuff - and something urgent is missing on the market.

...I went to Nicaragua in December and had the time of my life :)

4. Services/Consulting.

You are the greatest resource -- and people you for all the great free stuff you over your blog or YouTube channel or what platform you would like to learn more from you. Especially if the information you've provided free of charge in the past has already provided value.

Here is how to start: what do you already know that someone would pay you? Note: Most of us have something. If you are currently busy, there are some know it, that a boss pays you every day. What is this? If I have my own biz, I realized that college entrance test prep was my untapped source of knowledge. I took my hourly rate of $18 to over $1,000 in some cases.

5: ADS.

How your audience is growing, and the traffic is growing. You can earn money this phenomenon by the placement of advertisements on your platform. Large blogs like life hack get so much traffic to earn money with advertising revenue is easy. It takes a lot of traffic consistently make money from view, but they can be used as part of a comprehensive monetization plan. This works on podcasts and YouTube channels as well. Just as with traditional television and radio, owners can get paid to run the advertising for companies that want to access your audience.

6. Affiliate Promotions/partnerships.

Does not have to sell a product? No service to offer? You do not have enough traffic to generate revenue from advertising? You can still connect your audience with the products/services that you need and make a tidy profit. For example, view to Pat Flynn's revenue report for May 2014. You will see that all of its revenue sources, more than $38,000 $83,000 he came from its partnership with blue host, a web hosting provider. The deal is simple: because Pat preferences and blue host uses for its sites, he recommends it to his audience. If his audience decides to buy the hosting service via the link it offers, Pat get $65 of blue host as a "thank you" for the referral. The person that the purchase of the service is not charged something extra.

7. Hybrid.

As soon as you use one of the above mentioned flow models and they are in the position to a consistent, predictable success, it is much easier to branch out in other revenue, so that they are not so dependent on one source. For example, a lot YouTubers start Monetizing your videos, then it would create and other products for the fans.

Think of it!

There is really nothing special about making money online. People are doing the same things online that they have been doing offline for years. The biggest difference is simply the scale at which the company can be done.

Its ability to create revenue from a content platform (such as a blog, podcast, YouTube Channel, etc.) is almost completely dependent on the relationship that you with your audience. Install the first. Help people and build the trust. It takes time, so do not be discouraged.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Bet that you do not own a business and make $1,600 a month when you were 16. This girl does

This Girl Does

What were you doing when they were 9 years old?

Under sleep overs? Pizza to eat? Find out what kind of cootie shot is the most effective? This is what I was doing - together with active to anticipate my first "two-digit' birthday.

Sydney Englund was starting a business - and I am not speaking here of a lemonade stand.

It runs, a website where young girls your horse madness with stories, pictures and games.

The page is still a strong eight years after its creation, and now-16-year-old Sydney is an experienced entrepreneur. It makes between $400 and $1,600 per month working only four to six hours per week

the penny hoarder spoke with Sydney to learn how to build a company before the age most of us our first jobs.

A Crazy Horse start

after riding ponies at the fair if you was 5, Sydney was difficult for horses, as it seems to be only a little girl. Their passion led them to find Horse Websites that are specifically addressed to young women, and it was only a few results.

So in 2007, 9-year-old Sydney (with a little help from her mother started to create the community could not be found on the website.

How Sydney makes money online

Sydney designed your site to a place to gather for girls and their love for horses and ponies. Users submit pictures, stories and even horse name ideas. Horse Crazy Girls has more than 10,000 published opinions to date.

But Sydney soon realized that they could benefit from the web site of the earning opportunities and at the same time the site reader

Sydney Reviews horse-related products, gear and games and earns money for ad click-throughs and product purchases.

How many bloggers and web-based solopreneurs, the major part of Sydney's result of affiliate programs such as Amazon and Google Adsense revenue.

It also hosts free gifts for the promotion of the products, you reviews, and is currently working on a Secure Site sponsorship with top brands of horse-riding equipment such as helmets. It is also planning to start their own product line.

Business - not ballet - after school

children today are busy - just ask a mom runs a makeshift chauffeur service, bouncing between football training, ballet recitals and the Sunday school.

When I asked, Sydney, as it manages a business in their free time, while juggling school and riding lessons, said to prioritize and delegate

"i probably spend 4-6 hours on the site each week during the school (in)," said Sydney, "but I can spend a lot more time on the website on the summer."

Sydney still some help from her mother during the school year, but increasingly leads the business on their own. The website looks more traffic (and higher earnings) during the holidays when readers buy gifts for the horse-obsessed girls in your life.

Sydney says that it is preparing for the traffic before the time when you on vacation. You have heard it before: Flexible working hours are a great advantage of the self-employed activity!

Sydney also took the help of a third party IT companies for the administration of the site the back-end, as well as a virtual assistant for vocational education and training for the large number of submissions content on the website for plagiarism and quality.

This allows you to optimize your Sydney personal involvement with the business. You can set the focus on the larger goals as a pending site redesign.

The total time required for the administration of the site? A total of approximately 10 hours per week, evaluates it. Not bad for the result at least $400 a month - especially for the fulfilment of the work.

"I find it really worthwhile," said Sydney - and the fact that the buffer is priceless.

Crazy Horse lessons (not the horse type)

Sydney grew next to your website and you valuable insights on the way.

Since it was so young, if the site is launched, Sydney do not have specific ideas for what kind of content to include. The supervision is understandable, but it is hard hit, if Google implements Panda in 2011

"After Panda was clear to us that it was a mistake, just to opinions and not to the regulation of content," said Sydney. "When we started, we experienced exponential growth, but after panda, growth took a dive."
Sydney has plans to improve the site and grow your business, including the creation of a better layout and the integration of more video content. These improvements, together with the product sponsorship and proprietary product introduction, the future is rosy for horse Crazy Girls.

"I would like to have this website support my riding full time, and have it as my full-time position," said Sydney. But like any savvy business woman, she has a backup plan: go to school, you follow a degree in medicine and to a dermatologist.

Ready for crazy?

Start a freelance business of any kind can be daunting, especially a content-based web business.

With so much content already, how can the people on your web site? What can you do to in a large blue sea of links?

Sydney's history gives us the answer: Find the thing that they are enthusiastic about and find out what you can bring in other parts of the passion. In the case of horse Crazy Girls, it was an online community around a common passion.

Then, they remain so - not afraid of hard work. "It may be time-consuming," said Sydney. "It is a part-time job."

You need to be prepared for the rejection and unexpected twists - Sydney persevering despite the Panda stumbling block and will continue to face several brands for sponsorship.

But in the end, the hard work is worth it. There is nothing more beautiful than a paycheck for following your dreams.

"If that is what you want to do, you should do it. It is worthwhile if it is something that you love," said Sydney.


Monday, February 9, 2015

How to Make Money in a small Blog Part 2: Affiliate Marketing

How to Make Money in a small Blog Part 2: Affiliate Marketing

Part of this series was about my least favorite technique of making money for a small blog. In the second part we jump right to my favorite: affiliate marketing!

For those of you who do not know, affiliate marketing is what is called when you arrange with a brand that if your product is linked, and that the results of the goods in a sale, you receive a commission. Some brands pay for "leaders" which does not necessarily require a sale, but for most of the time is as simple as "the blogger is cut."

Affiliate marketing has made me the greater portion of my income. It is not the most effective method in time, because it is hard work, but it was worth it for me.

I use a number of different affiliate programs. I made the most money through Share-a-sale, because it is a market where you can work with hundreds of top brands like zulily, Julep, Shutterfly, Hootsuite, and more, and the minimum payment is Only $ 50 for ALL your various brands combined. There are other markets like him, like Impact Radio, but I have seen the most success withShare-a-Sale and highly recommend them.

The next largest subsidiary of money for me is Amazon. In theory, installation is much better: the minimum payout is only $ 10, a commission on sales of click-through provides not only the product has been linked to, you get and you have access to almost any product Amazon has to offer. While this is truly amazing, the only drawback is that their standards are ... well, terrible, in my opinion. A post spam tends to look when a small yellow box products Amazon in it, then another option is just a plain text link. I think if Amazon allows users to produce their own banner ads or even allowed to vendors who produce their own home banner ads would be more lucrative.

To be clear, the Amazon affiliate program is definitely worth using, I would not trust him throughout his income.

Another way to use affiliate marketing is to work directly with brands. You'd be surprised how many brands have launched an affiliate program! I spent an afternoon bouncing around the web sites of some of my favorite brands and found a good percentage had information about your program linked at the bottom of your website (usually says "Affiliates" or something similar). I work with VeganCuts, world market, Apple, and a number of other brands in this way.

If your place is something like, for example, "the popular electronic music," you may have much success working with Apple to sell songs you like, or could succeed with Joss & Main if you blog on furniture or decoration. I have had only a minor success so far with individual brands affiliate programs, but I feel there is much potential there.

This is the second part of the How to Make Money in a small series Blog! Today we will talk about affiliate marketing.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

5 legitimate ways to make money online

legitimate ways to make money online

Did you know that 53 percent of Americans say they want to run their own business? However, less than half of 1 percent actually do. Why do you suppose that is? Why is that such a large percentage actually want to run their own business, yet so few take the steps to start building an online business? Is it because people in general are lazy? I do not think that's the case. Also, if you are on active duty or a veteran, we know that's definitely not the case.

I think it's because most people simply not educated. I'm not talking about a high school or university education degree type. I'm talking about the fact that most people do not know what options are available to them. They do not know where to look, and they do not know what business trust, given the large number of scammers who flood the Internet on a daily basis.

To show that there are ways to add an income from home, or to completely replace your current income "cubicle", I selected five companies I've worked to do just that! So, here we go! I'll give you five different partner companies that make extra income from home!


I love this website. This website is for people who want to earn a little extra money based on designing shirts to sell online. The coolest part? You do not need any money to work this business. The reason is that the design of the shirt with his tools, and then a specific number of shirts you are trying to sell, and at what price is established. Your profit per shirt is based on what price to sell your shirts. If you hit the quota, their shirts are printed, and all orders will be charged. If you do not hit your minimum fee, no charge, and simply try again.


I do not know how most people do not know about this! You can sell any online service on this page for only $ 5 to start. You can charge more for larger projects, but you should have a $ 5 service, ie, "I will give your business a shout-out to my radio show for $ 5" or going to design a logo for you for $ 5.


Sell anything on eBay! Try to buy things at garage sales and selling online for profit. Try to buy cheap stuff on Amazon and resell on eBay. There are literally hundreds of places to find items to sell on eBay!

4. and other affiliate programs

If you have your own website, and you are looking for more income,, along with hundreds of other online companies have affiliate programs where you can submit your link or logo on your site and get paid per click or per sale.

5. Empower Network

Empower Network is a proven, still young company that is a leader in blogging and the "work from home" industry. Their products that will teach you everything you need to know for anyone to promote your existing business, or use its platform as its current business. Most of my income actually comes from "ES" and you should know that up front.