Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Top Ways to Make Money blogging in 2016

make money from blogging

Want to earn money blogging?

Blogging monetization and optimization has been a hot topic for a few years now, but with the constantly changing nature of the web, new ways for the achievement of this objective more likely to pop up every day. To make things a bit easier (and much more effective), I collected the ultimate monetization tools for 2016 - so you do not get surprised!

1. Establishing a direct relationship with brands

are nothing like always up-close and personal. Establishing a direct relationship with brands can increase your blog is worth, authenticity and credibility, and finally to a steady source of income.

When it comes to working with brands, you can start by the offer to publish Sponsored content - either sponsored reviews or paid contributions - Many companies are looking to get a good buzz about them and are willing to pay that additional push.

You can also become a brand ambassador - they are transformed into the "face" of society to promote and support.

Hot Tip: You need assistance when you connect with the brand? Check out the blog meets brand ,  ambassador and Mark Baker.

2. Try to non-traditional

Banner ad solutions are the most straightforward way to earn money on your content. There are many traditional banner ad solutions, the largest Google AdSense, of course. If you want to take things to the next level, you should try to non-traditional smart ad-solutions.

Hot Tip: infolinks has a great tightening of products that can help you really increase the revenue from your content.

3. Offer a service is

one of the most effective ways to make more money from your blog is with their readers a service or a product.

It need not be something obvious such as T-shirts or "Best dad always" cups - they offer coaching, consultancy services and webinars. If you have a certain amount of know-how, the people might pay a lot for your time and advice. They offer a Skype calls, on-demand video or live stream webinars.

Another effective way offers premium membership-based content.

Hot Tip: Want to stream your knowledge to people? Try services such as telestream or tech Smith.

4. Create an e-mail list

a solid e-list allows you and your company a long way - e-mail marketing is a wonderful way to spread their content to generate leads and gain quality traffic to your blog or website.

Next to send newsletter in good time, you should size E-mail content, something we can be proud of. After you have the contents down, there are a couple of tips for building a larger e-list:

offer a promotional gift to attract new readers: People Love Gifts - I can not help me. Offers a free product or service can help you get your E-mail to make increasingly popular and new audience.

Add a "Subscribe to newsletter"-box on your blog: people who are already on their website was more Sign up to your newsletter. Check out this plugin for WordPress that might help.

Mass email tools: let them do the dirty work for you. You can try to send Mailchimp, Send Blaster or sandgrid.

Hot Tip: The readers to share your mailing list by a customized call to action button, on Da Button Factory.

5. Affiliate Programs

Affiliate Marketing has been going strong since a few years ago, and it seems as if it is only getting bigger and better. In principle, affiliate or referral programs are based on a "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" principal - you can either sell someone else's product or service, see traffic to that particular product or service. Spread the word by writing posts about it, you mention on your social media platforms add a banner on your website with the information etc.

Tip: In search of the perfect program for you? Check the infolinks referral program or Amazon's program.

6. Write an e-Book Quality

Quality is a must, especially if you want to become an expert on a specific topic and a stable and growing community. If share their knowledge and their experience is one of the reasons why it was a Publisher - write an e-book is just for you. A PDF-e-book can either support you in the generation of large - Questions from readers for your e-mail addresses in exchange for the file - or create the actual revenue, by putting it up for sale.

There are a few things you should do before you sit down to write an E-book:

Think about your target group: who is to read your e-book? What are your interests? As you are informed about your chosen topic? If you find out who your audience is, can channel their efforts in the right direction.

Write what you know: let us be honest - people can look it all independently in these days, but it is a huge advantage to already presents information that is written by someone who knows what they are doing. So I write about the things that you know and love, it will help your credibility and will probably also be a lot more fun.

Promote it like crazy: Write an e-book is not an easy task, so make sure that you are all over the place. Send the essential content pieces in a newsletter, write a blog post about it, share it on your social media channels and a downloadable add link to relevant meetings online.

Hot Tip: See these two free e-book creation tools: iBook author for Mac, iPad and PressBook

source: jeffbullas.com

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