with the holiday shopping season in full swing, most retail advertisers are focused on how to get your products to the most potential buyers and to maximize your sales. If trends from the last year of the Christmas shopping are no indication for this year, most consumers will find online, research and purchase products.
According to a US Retail eCommerce study from eMarketer, 90 % of consumers searched, researched, or in comparison products online in the last year and an impressive 83% of us digital shopper from a purchase online.[1] as a consumer is still the transition to digital media such as your holiday shopping channel of choice, the opportunity for the retail trade advertisers to reach more potential customers in this period of time will continue to grow.
With these retail advertising trends and opportunities in mind and help retailers present their products to more customers we have released support for Bing shopping campaigns. Marin Search advertisers can now sales on Bing via a dedicated and effective ad format that contains pictures, prices and physical store information. You can holistically manage, measure and optimize your Bing shopping campaigns and product groups in addition to Google so you more budget intelligent of publishing houses and drive better overall shopping campaign performance.
There are several good reasons for the retail trade advertisers should start with Bing shopping campaigns now. In this article we show the enlargement of the scope and improve the user experience.
Bing shopping campaigns you can expand your reach and access more potential buyers
leading search engines such as Bing, has long been a top channel, use the consumer not only to purchase products online but also to influence the purchase decisions of "rooming" show in a single dealer the physical memory. In fact, after a Search Engine Land study, 73% of consumers use search engines to find where the products are sold, 72% use them for price comparisons, and 63% use special offers.View Product, managed by Bing shopping campaigns that can help the retail advertisers surface on the upper information consumers look while you show rooming by the shopper closer to a buy online. With more than 540 million retail research occurring in Bing every month, the potential scope and exposure that Bing shopping campaigns provides retail advertisers is huge.
Bing shopping campaigns can help your brand to more potential customers and add the traffic you have probably heard of Google shopping campaigns.
Bing shopping campaigns offering advertisers an improved experience over legacy Bing Product Ads
many retailers are already advertising with Bing product ads and need to transform your old campaigns to the recently released version of Bing shopping campaigns. Others have kept from product test ads in the past due to the limited functions.
Either way, Bing shopping campaigns offers significant improvements in the workflow and reporting on the legacy product offer. These improvements to create compelling arguments to try the new now offers.
Some of the incremental benefits of Bing shopping campaigns improvements in relation to the view product campaigns include:
- Get Better Control over your product in ads targeting for certain products.
now, with Bing shopping campaigns, Retail advertisers can target the products in their feeds with a high degree of granularity within the user interface. Bing's new product hierarchy view shopping for campaigns gives you more control over what products they show themselves and how much you pay. It is an easy way to organize, manage, bid, and report on the ADS. In addition, advertising customers now easily prioritize the campaign to run when running multiple campaigns for the same product.
- An optimized workflow and easy campaign management.
Bing shopping campaigns offering advertisers new, intuitive ways to all published offers from your data feeds in a hierarchical structure within the Bing Ads UI. You also have made it much easier to make your inventory by the assignment of attributes such as brand or product type select inventory you want to promote or exclude), and corresponding offers.
- Advanced Product insights and advanced reporting.
Bing shopping campaigns now offer share of voice output and give insight into the impressions, clicks, average click-through rate and the average cost per click relative to your product goals. This is a significant improvement of legacy product ads reporting. In addition, Bing shopping campaigns reporting now offers an in-depth insight into your campaign performance and allows you to see performance data on an item ID level directly in the Bing Ads UI.
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source: business2community.com
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